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For Anyone Looking To Heal, And Manifest Their Dream Life

How To Go From Having Anxiety, Negative Emotions, Or Being Stuck To Becoming A Manifestation Magnet In Just 19 Minutes A Day - Using This Chakra Clearing Meditation

Even If You're New To Energy Work, Manifestation, Or Meditation
$388 of Actionable value!
(Yours For FREE When You Get The Chakra Clearing Meditation)
Chakra Clearing Meditation 

Chakra Clearing Meditation ($300 Value)

The Chakra Clearing Meditation heals the manifestation blocks in your chakras and attracts the love, abundance, and health you want in just 19 minutes a day. With the Chakra Clearing Meditation you’ll align with your authentic true self, reconnect with your intuition, and become whole, healed, and irresistibly magnetic to your desires...
Bonus #1

The Chakra Clearing Meditation Digital Course ($97 Value)

You’ll discover the chakras in depth and how to become aligned and compress decades of inner work and transformation into just a few short minutes, so that you “never go backwards again” and become a manifestation magnet.

Bonus #2

The Chakra Clearing Meditation Quick Start Guide ($47 Value)

You’ll learn how to identify what blocks are currently repelling your manifestations, so you call in your goals and intentions with ease, flow, and grace. You’ll also get a simple 10 minute daily routine that keeps your chakras open and you in an attractive, magnetic state.
Bonus #3

Mind Body Spirit Reprogramming ($47 Value)

You’ll discover how to laser in on your biggest manifestation blocks, and clear them - even if they’re been stopping you for years, or if you don’t know what they are. Manifestation and alignment is ALL about energy, and this shows you how to master that.

Bonus #4

The Alignment And Manifestation Accelerator Course ($197 Value)

You’ll discover secrets from ancient hawaiian teachings that make manifesting and alignment become automatic. You’ll see why western society is missing 50% of what it takes to be aligned, and how to tap back into your own truth, power, and intuition.
-Jocelyn Burke, MA Ed. 
"At first I found it hard to understand how to work with and apply this concept of "energy", I was burning out often and having a hard time keeping up with my well-being. Dr. Patrick really helped me to see how I could better work with energy in my own life for my own healing and well-being, and how I would apply it in the coaching, teaching and healing work I've been doing with others. Now, I absolutely love the incredible amount of energy I have been able to tap into on a daily basis through Huna practices I have integrated into my life, and all of the tools I now have to share with my clients to get even faster and better results!"
Here's How I Went From Always Feeling Incomplete To Clearing My Blocks, Connecting To My True Self, And Effortlessly Manifesting My Dream Life
 This Is Something Completely Different, Unlike Anything You've
Ever Heard of Before - Even From Popular Personal Development, Spiritual, Or Law Of Attraction Advice
Dear Seeking Reader (this is for you...)
From: The laptop of Dr. Patrick Scott
Re: The Reason Why You "Feel The Void" And How To Get Out Of It
I’m going to ask you a very personal question, and I need you to be fully present and fully honest with yourself…

…it’s ok, nobody's watching…

…This stays between you and you…

…So here we go…

Are you where you want to be in life?

By any measure, you’re successful.

You’re attractive, smart, you achieve and make things happen…

You probably take care of your health and body…

You’re a powerhouse in many areas of your life, with friends and family admiring what you’ve already done…

It’s what society and everyone else “expects” of you…

But There's Just One Problem With That...
That’s the external - what the world sees.

Deep inside, are you really successful? 

Are you truly happy? 

Are you honestly fulfilled?

By now, if you were connected to your true self…

You’d know it.

You’d feel it in your body.

An unmistakable inner sense of happiness and fulfillment…

Brimming with gratitude and joy…

Feeling total freedom in expressing yourself…

And effortlessly calling in what you want to manifest.

Instead, maybe you feel uninspired, under loved, or overlooked by the universe…

Maybe there’s an underlying anxiety that never seems to go away… 

Or thoughts that you can’t quite turn off at night…

Maybe despite all your external accomplishments… 

There’s an internal feeling of isolation, of not feeling connected…

And That's Why Nothing Ever Worked To Give You That Lasting Feeling...
Even after doing what everyone else said would make you happy…

What went wrong?

You’re an amazing woman...

So why can’t you experience the deep happiness and satisfaction the way you desire and deserve…?

Why are you not as far as you’d like to be, 

Maybe constantly comparing yourself to those who’ve already “made it”?

Maybe like most women…

You've probably laid awake at night pushing away tears, wondering...

-Why you never feel good enough
-Why no matter how hard you try, you're not doing life "right"
-Why the relationships, career success, and body you desire keep slipping through your fingers...
-Why you can't seem to truly enjoy feeling accomplished...

And it's because...
Because You've Been Chasing The Wrong Things...
At some point, you stopped listening to yourself and started listening to everyone else.

They told you who you should date, what you should do, how you should look…

What’s “appropriate” or inappropriate…

Where you should go to school, what kind of job should you have, even where you should go for vacation…

And bit by bit, you’ve been tricked into doing what you “should” do, instead of doing what naturally comes from who you are.

We do it first, to get along, and keep the peace.

But then we get trained into ignoring our true selves…

Listening to “logic” instead of our intuition…

Instead of what feels good and right…

And that’s when you lost who you really are.

Our feelings never lie, we only lie to ourselves…

And each time we ignore our true feelings…

Something happens that not only disconnects us even further…

But also prevents us from manifesting our true desires.

So if you can't help but wonder…
What's The Missing Key To It All?
Then read every single word below.

If you're here, you already know that certain something is missing...

And I’m here to tell you what that something is, and how to get over it…

Because my name is Dr. Patrick Scott. 

I’m an Executive Coach, trainer, and therapist, and I've helped thousands of clients from around the world… 

Everyone from Billionaires and A-List Celebrities…  

To everyday seekers…

Finally manifest their authentic, aligned dream lives.

Like Danielle...
Like Linda...
Like Lailanee...
And when you read this letter to the end…

I’m going to share with you the secrets of becoming an aligned woman…

Secrets of connecting to your true self…
Secrets So Powerful... You Will Be Irresistible To Whatever You Want To Manifest...
Something’s been missing the entire time that’s the key to unlocking your full manifesting potential.

This page is created to give you that key. 
So that you become irresistible to whatever you want to manifest.

The best part is…

Because this involves using energy to clear what’s been stopping you…

You will finally feel connected… And rapidly shift your ability to manifest what you deserve.

Experiencing deep self-love and compassion…

Living in bliss and gratitude…

Career opportunities and success chasing YOU…

The divine masculine in your relationship, devoted fully to you…

Maybe to you this sounds like a dream...

But the truth is...there are women who experience this every day.

In fact, you probably know one.

She’s not more attractive than you…

She’s not the brightest woman you know…

She’s not overly kind or giving…

And she definitely hasn’t accomplished as much as you have…

But magically... she has the ability to attract what she wants almost effortlessly.

Her desires are always chasing her.
Do You Want To Know How To Unlock This Secret Power For Yourself?
Then pay close attention and keep reading...

Again, my name is Dr. Patrick Scott.
Publicly, I’m an Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer to Fortune 50 companies, and Co-owner of the largest mental health clinic in Nevada.

But privately, I use energy work to help my clients clear their blocks and make rapid transformations… 

The equivalent of decades of therapy and coaching compressed into a single session.

After working with hundreds of women helping them manifest goals they would have previously never believed to be possible…

The fastest way I’ve discovered is to use the Chakra Clearing Meditation to clear blocks in your chakras…

That’s the key to aligning your true self with the impact you want to make in the world…

The deep joy and contentment you desire to feel while you make it…

And making manifesting feel effortless, while finally breaking free from the unseen yet all-powerful self-sabotage that has been getting in your way.

Maybe your throat constricts and your stomach clenches when you try to express your boundaries…

Only to let the situation go without saying anything because “you don’t want to be mean or rude”... 

Maybe you’ve been fed up with feeling disrespected and unheard in your career… and swore to quit or change years ago… Yet you never have…

Maybe you’ve had trouble activating a man’s masculine potential to love and cherish you... Or getting the spark back in your relationship…

Maybe you have insecurities you don’t understand, anxiety that doesn’t go away, or worry that everything may fall apart…

Those are all symptoms of negative energy stuck in your chakras. 

So you see, that's why this is about more than just manifesting your desires.

This is about becoming aligned, life feeling effortless, and you coming back home to yourself. 

Feeling connected, energized by YOUR spirit, instead of just going through the motions day by day…

But don’t just take my word for it…

Because that’s what happened to Linda…

But this is about even more than manifesting your desires…

Because once you clear your blocks...incredible shifts will happen and your life will feel effortless.

People who truly get you magically appear into your life…

Anxiety and overthinking are replaced by gratitude and peace…

And you finally feel like you’re tapping into your full potential.

That’s the power of aligning with your true self.

I kept seeking different modalities and tools... Because I knew there was something out there that would be perfect...

Chakra #1: Stability, Groundedness, & Foundation
The First Or Root Chakra
When you clear blocks in your first chakra, you get to manifest everything related to your stability, groundedness, & foundation.

In other words, your money, needs, and resources.

That means being able to manifest the purpose-fueled career that pays you what you deserve…

The home that delights you and makes you grateful…

It also means feeling safe and sound in your own skin…

Being able to lose and keep weight off…

Being grounded, calm, anxious free and nonreactive, no matter what the situation.

A clear first chakra free of blocks means you’re resilient and secure, no matter what life throws at you.

You won’t be beholden to anyone, family, friends, or relationships just because it pays the bills.

You’ll be free to be completely yourself and independent with a clear first chakra.

And if you’ve been stuck in a job that doesn’t pay well… 
A home you don’t love… 
Never feeling like you can really relax…

Then that’s a sure sign you have blocks in your first chakra to clear.

Maybe you’ve met a potential soul-level relationship, or gotten a taste of the money you want to regularly make, yet couldn’t hold on to it.

That’s another sign that your first chakra wasn’t clear enough. 

Remember, if you are not an energetic match for what you want, you cannot manifest and keep it. 

I’m sure you’ve heard “If you take away all the money away from a wealthy person, within a year they’ll have made it all back and more”...

That’s a clear first chakra, free of blocks. 
Chakra #2: Sex, Intimacy, Relationships, And Creativity
The Second Or Sacral Chakra
The second chakra is related to sex, intimacy, relationships, and creativity. 

So clearing blocks in this chakra means: 
-Incredible orgasmic sex… 
-Deep, soul-fulfilling intimacy and connection (with romantic partners, and in any other meaningful relationship)
-Reconnecting to your feminine strength, playfulness, and joy
-Triggering a man’s desire to cherish, adore, and honor you… Without saying a word…
-And more.

Clearing blocks in your second chakra also quantum leaps your creative power. 

Whether you want to create an aligned business, dream place to live, or your tribe of people who get you…

The second chakra is incredibly powerful. 

You may have heard of tantra and sex magic… 

That has everything to do with your second chakra. 

After all, this is where human life is created!

Chakra #3: Self-Esteem, Belonging, Worthiness And Drive
The Third Or Solar Plexus Chakra
When you clear blocks in your third chakra, you unlock an unshakable confidence, sky-high self-worth, and unstoppable personal drive.

This is your “fire in the belly”.

It’s also related to community and belonging, so clearing blocks in this chakra is what’ll quickly mangetize your tribe to you.

There’s nothing like going through the journey of life with your people, like-minded souls who instinctively get you.
Chakra #4: Love, Gratitude, And The Most Powerful Energy Center In The Body
The Fourth Or Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra is your heart chakra. Clearing blocks here allows you to quickly manifest divine love in relationships.

It’ll also give you the ability to be present, grateful, and deeply appreciative for what you have, rather than being stuck in your head, overthinking, anxious, and constantly looking at the negative side of things.

Many women I’ve worked with have a core wound of “I’m not worthy of love”.
When you have a block like that inside you, your unconscious mind will do everything to make that belief a reality - and self-sabotage anything that is related to worthiness or love.

This is also the strongest energetic center in the body. 

When you clear blocks here, you’ll feel aligned, safe in your body, and have more energy than you’ve ever felt. 
Chakra #5: Your Voice, Boundaries, And Expression In The World 
The Fifth Or Throat Chakra
Ever felt invisible? 

Like no matter what you said, nothing would actually make a difference? 

Feel like you couldn’t express your true self, and instead blended in with everyone, from how you dress to what you do on your weekends?

Those are clear signs of a blocked fifth chakra. 

This energy center is all about being able to express your true self, and there’s no living a truly authentic, aligned life without the ability to express yourself.

This is also one of the most powerful manifesting energy centers in the body. 

It’s where you can take your inspiration and thoughts and bring it into physical reality - through your words. 

Clearing blocks in this energy center quantum leaps up your manifesting abilities like no other.
Chakra #6: Intuition And Visionary Abilities
The Sixth Chakra Or Third Eye
This energy center is all about being connected to your intuition, and your ability to vision.

So many people in our society have their sixth chakra blocked… And that’s why they don’t have access to their intuition. 

Being guided on your path...

Having a gut feel on the exact right steps you're meant to take...

Staying true to the vision for your life, instead of what others want for you...

That comes from having an open sixth chakra. 

If you wanted to live an inspired, divine life authentic to your true self… 

That has to come from being connected to your intuition, not just your logical mind.

Unblocking this chakra also opens up your psychic abilities, and ability to talk to spirit guides and the other side.
Chakra #7: Connection To Source And Energy
The Seventh Or Crown Chakra
The seventh chakra is all about your connection to source and universal energy.

It’s about being connected to the fundamental source of energy that creates your reality.

Unblocking this chakra keeps you living on purpose, guided by the other side, and has you living with limitless energy. 

It’s the final key to unlocking a truly aligned, magnetic authentic life.

So when you purchase the Chakra Clearing Meditation today…

You’ll not only get access to the amazing breakthroughs and content I just mentioned…

But I’m also going to add in these extra bonuses completely for free…
Included For FREE When You Order Right Now
Bonus 1: The Chakra Clearing Digital Course
In this in-depth course you’ll learn…

How to live authentically and compress decades of inner work and transformation into just a few short days and never “go backwards” again...

You’ll learn how to identify and shift into the energetic frequencies most attractive to what you want to manifest - Whether that’s a dream relationship, the body you’ve always wanted, or purpose-driven career...

​You’ll learn about each one of the seven chakras in-depth, and how to keep each one of them open to become your most aligned, empowered self

The root of your money issues? Gone.

Your dream relationship? Finally available to you, no matter what your past history is with men.

Loving the body you see in the mirror? Yours - no matter what diet or exercise routine you follow.

Everything changes when you clear the right blocks, and this Chakra Clearing Digital Course will show you how.

This course is valued at $97 but when you get the Chakra Clearing’ll get it completely for free right now.

You’re also going to get…
Bonus 2: The Chakra Clearing Meditation Fast Start Guide
In this fast start guide you’ll learn…

How to identify what blocks are currently repelling your manifestations, so you call in your goals and intentions with ease, flow, and grace...

A simple 10 minute daily routine that keeps your chakras open and you in an attractive, magnetic state (Getting what you want isn’t about working or doing more, it’s about shifting who you’re BEING - and this daily routine will help you do just that)...

How to get out of self-sabotaging behaviors and being your own worst enemy...

This guide is valued at $47 but when you get the Chakra Clearing’ll get it completely for free right now.

The next bonus is…
Bonus 3: Mind Body Spirit Reprogramming
In this next bonus, you’ll discover how to laser in on your biggest manifestation blocks, and clear them - even if they’re been stopping you for years, or if you don’t know what they are.

The magic of this kind of energy work is that you don’t need your conscious mind, so you don’t need to know what specifically caused your blocks, or to relive any traumatic memories.

Even better, this bonus will show you how to reprogram your mind, body, and spirit to make attracting and manifesting what you want on autopilot.

Manifestation and alignment is ALL about energy, and this bonus is critical for you to master that.

This is also valued at $47 but when you get the Chakra Clearing’ll get it completely for free right now.
Bonus 4: The Alignment And Manifestation Accelerator Course
We’ll go deep in this next bonus to rapidly accelerate you living an authentic life and manifesting what you want.

You’ll discover:

 -How to compound manifestations using the Chakra Clearing Meditation, so manifesting and alignment becomes automatic (again, this isn’t about doing more, it’s about shifting your energy!)

-What it truly means to be aligned, and how to step into your unique purpose to wake up loving the life you live, every single day

-Why western society is missing 50% of what it takes to be aligned, and how to tap back into your own truth, power, and intuition

-The easiest, most powerful way you’ll ever find to shut off overthinking, anxiety, excessive, stress, nervous habits, and other patterns that derail your success and manifestations

And… So, so much more.

This course is valued at $197 but when you get the Chakra Clearing’ll get it completely for free right now.
The truth is...

I’ve always made it my life’s mission to serve, heal, and empower individuals, and help them reach their maximum potential.

For most of my life, that has meant working with individuals one-on-one. 

But that meant I could only help a few people at a time.

I needed to find a way to share this life-changing material with the world.

My rates are $800 an hour and above for one-on-one work.
But then I realized something…

If I really wanted to impact as many people as possible...

What if I could bring the price down so much that anyone could access this training...

So I decided to lower the price into something anyone could afford.

This allows me to impact more people and help them manifest the aligned life they truly deserve and desire. 

But you have to understand in most cases, I am losing money when I sell The Chakra Clearing Meditation at this price…

For everyone who purchases this product, it costs me just over $54.00 in advertising expenses...

So why would I do that?


I'm making this offer for as long as I can afford it to bring the biggest change into the world as possible… 

And I know that every person who goes through this transformative meditation will elevate others as they elevate themselves.

Also, I’m looking for a few people so empowered by this training that they will want to work with me in the future.

I'm betting that this training will change your life so much, and it will have such an impact on your life and relationship with'll ask to join me in personal training or work with me directly in the future.

Does that sound fair to you?

But - with all of that said, this is a limited-time offer.

I might have to shut this down at any moment.

So I have to ask...
I'm Inviting You To Come On That Journey With Me...
And you CAN have…

Manifestation beyond your wildest dreams and receive the adoration, love, success and respect you deserve…

Your peace and place in the world…

Attracting your every desire…

And it all starts by clicking the button below…

Fill out the secure order form in the next page…
And you’ll get instant online access…

And if there’s anything holding you back…

Let me make this the easiest choice of your life.

Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, it's ...
The Transformation Promise - The BEST Risk Free Guarantee, Or Your Money Back

Here’s the "transformation promise" and your risk free guarantee: 

You have a full 90 days to get the Chakra Clearing Meditation and all your transformational bonuses... 

And if you don't clear your blocks or if it doesn't work for you, you can just send me an email and I'll refund all your money, if you shoot me an email within 90 days. 

PLUS you'll be able to keep all the training, meditation, and bonuses as a way of saying "thank you" for giving it a try. 

How's that for an incredible risk free guarantee?

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...
Only $27.00
(Save $273.00 today)

Download The Chakra Clearing Meditation and bonuses For $300.00 Just $27! Delivered instantly. Start listening in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Download
Click the button on this page to get instant access to The Chakra Clearing Meditation right now.

➡️ It’s time to RECLAIM yourself…

➡️ It’s time to become deeply aligned…

➡️ It’s time to attract the life you’ve always desired...

➡️ It’s time for you to become FULLY clear and manifest in a way this world has rarely seen.

And once you do, there is nothing out of your reach.

It all starts by clearing the blocks in your chakras…

You'll tap into your deepest potential of what's possible in your being... power… and magnetism. 

You’ll end the loop of insecurities, self-sabotaging behaviors, and feeling isolated…

You’ll finally find your place in the world, connected to your authentic self.

You’ll have a steady sense of excitement of “what comes next” and a level of mental clarity you didn’t know was possible…

You can take the first step today. 

You are not broken, life doesn’t have to remain this way… 

It’s time to experience deep joy and satisfaction.

You are resilient. You’ve proven that over and over.

Now, just imagine what the next level looks like… 

Imagine a YOU that is no longer limited by subconscious self-sabotage or your blocks. 

Imagine what that version of you can do - for yourself and for everyone in your world.

So all you need to do now is click the button below.

Fill out the secure order form in the next page…
And you’ll get instant online access…

It’s time to take the most important step of your life…

So click the button now and I’ll see you inside the Chakra Clearing Meditation Member's Area.

There’s no reason to wait.

This really is the best deal you’ll ever see for this kind of transformative experience.

So make your move...take action right now.
P.S. Remember, the Chakra Clearing Meditation comes with The BEST 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, listen to it, implement it, become aligned, peaceful, and a manifestation magnet.

And if you’re not happy for any reason - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $27.
Here's What's Included:
  How To Become Aligned And Compress Decades Of Inner Work And Transformation Into Just A Few Short Minutes A Day (so That You "Never Go Backwards Again" And Become A Manifestation Magnet)
(Hear minute 3 in the Chakra Clearing Meditation)
  The Secret behind Tuning Your Energetic Frequency (so you can Call In More Abundance, Better Health, Love, And Money)
(Watch minute 6, video 1 of the Chakra Clearing Meditation Course)
  How To Identify What Blocks Are Currently Repelling Your Manifestations, So You Can Call In Your goals And Intentions With Ease, Flow, And Grace 
(See page 3 in the Chakra Clearing Quickstart Guide)
  The little known Secret To Laser In On Your Biggest Manifestation Blocks - Even If They've Been Stopping You for Years, Or If you Have No Idea What They Are
(learn in Mind-Body-Spirit Reprogramming Bonus at minute 7)
  The step-by-step process From Ancient Hawaiian Teachings That Make Manifesting And Alignment Automatic (This Is The Proven Way To Tap Back Into Your Own Truth, Power, And Intuition)
(learn in Day 2 Of The Alignment And Manifestation Accelerator Course, included with The Chakra Clearing Meditation) 
Only $27.00
Unlock The Meditation Healing Session And 4 Bonuses For $300.00 Just $27.00! 
Available For Instant Download
Here's What Others Have To Say:
"Dr. Patrick Scott's teachings were the breakthrough I’ve been waiting for, for years! Every single area of my life has measurably improved. My income has increased. I’m finding more fulfillment from my work than ever before. My relationships are getting deeper, especially with myself. I’m hitting health goals that I’ve had for awhile, but could never seem to reach. And on most days, I’m in a default state of being happy. I’m consistently making progress on all areas of my life, though I’m not nearly as hard on myself as I was before Dr. Patrick Scott’s teachings. "
-Darryl Elvina
"Dr. Patrick really helped me to see how I could better work with energy in my own life for my own healing and well-being, and how I would apply it in the coaching, teaching and healing work I've been doing with others. Now, I absolutely love the incredible amount of energy I have been able to tap into on a daily basis through Huna practices I have integrated into my life!"
-Jocelyn Burke
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
This is for any woman looking to become whole, healed, and irresistibly magnetic to her desires. If you want to clear your manifestation blocks in just 19 minutes per day then this is for you. Any woman can clear the blocks that have been sabotaging her in just minutes with energy, and that’s exactly what the Chakra Clearing Meditation is going to do for you. The meditation is a transformative energy healing session that does the work for you, so even if you’re new to meditation, manifestation, or energy work, you will get results.
What is The Chakra Clearing Meditation?
The Chakra Clearing Meditation is the key to clearing your manifestation blocks. The Hawaiian energy work, hypnosis, and visualization makes this a full healing session. So the Chakra Clearing Meditation is your path to manifestation, healing, and inner peace. Become irresisibtly magnetic to your desires!  
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
The Chakra Clearing Meditation package is really special. What you’ll get in this special offer is the Chakra Clearing Meditation which is the equivalent of an entire energy healing session packed into one audio. You’re also going to get the Chakra Clearing Meditation QuickStart Guide, the Chakra Clearing Meditation video course, the Mind Body Spirit Reprogramming Training, and the Alignment and Manifestation Accelerator Course
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
No other meditation in the world has this combination of Hawaiian energy work, hypnosis, and visualization to clear your manifestation blocks. This is reprogramming you at the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical level, so that you become aligned and an energetic match for everything you want to manifest. Most other programs, courses, and techniques only focus on conscious content - they don’t use energy to facilitate rapid transformation. But with The Chakra Clearing Meditation, all you have to do is sit back, close your eyes, and listen to become whole, healed, at peace, and clear your manifestation blocks. It's a healing session every single time you listen that does the work for you.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while creating the Chakra Clearing Meditation but for the people that want further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 90 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. You’ll even be able to keep the meditation and all the bonuses free of charge as my way of saying “thanks” for giving it a try. 
Download The Chakra Clearing Meditation
Only $27.00 Today
Download The Meditation For $300.00 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start listening in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Download
Included Bonuses

The Chakra Clearing Meditation Digital Course 

You’ll learn how to keep each one of your chakras free of blocks and energetically tuned to become your most aligned, empowered self.

Chakra Clearing Fast Start PDF

How to identify what blocks are currently repelling your manifestations, so you call in your goals and intentions with ease, flow, and grace.

Mind Body Spirit Reprogramming

This bonus will show you how to cleanse your energy and reprogram your mind, body, and spirit to make attracting and manifesting your specific goals on autopilot.

The Alignment And Manifestation Accelerator Course

How to compound and accelerate your manifestations, along with the easiest way you’ll ever find to shut off overthinking, anxiety, stress, and other self-sabotaging patterns that derail your success and manifestations.
Happy Students:
Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $27.00 Today
Included With Your Order

Chakra Clearing Meditation

Clears the manifestation blocks in your chakras preventing you from being aligned and manifesting. Become peaceful, healed, and irresistibly magnetic to your desires!
Included With Your Order

Chakra Clearing Fast Start PDF

How to identify what blocks are currently repelling your manifestations, so you call in your goals and intentions with ease, flow, and grace.
Included With Your Order

The Chakra Clearing Digital Course 

[You’ll learn how to keep each one of your chakras free of blocks and energetically tuned to become your most aligned, empowered self.
Included With Your Order

Mind Body Spirit Reprogramming

This bonus will show you how to cleanse your energy and reprogram your mind, body, and spirit to make attracting and manifesting your specific goals on autopilot.
Included With Your Order

The Alignment And Manifestation Accelerator Course

How to compound and accelerate your manifestations, along with the easiest way you’ll ever find to shut off overthinking, anxiety, stress, and other self-sabotaging patterns that derail your success and manifestations.
Only $300.00 $27.00 Today
(Save $273.00 today) Download The Meditation For $300.00 Just $27! Delivered instantly. Start listening in the next 2 minutes.
“Trust that the Universe has a bigger, wider, deeper dream for you than you could ever imagine for yourself.”
– Oprah Winfrey
"When you make contact with your Higher Self, you'll have the support of Nature, which will allow for the manifestation of all you desire"
-Deepak Chopra
Download the meditation directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start listening right away.
 Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
This is for any woman looking to become whole, healed, and irresistibly magnetic to her desires. If you want to clear your manifestation blocks in just 19 minutes per day then this is for you. Any woman can clear the blocks that have been sabotaging her in just minutes with energy, and that’s exactly what the Chakra Clearing Meditation is going to do for you. The meditation is a transformative energy healing session that does the work for you, so even if you’re new to meditation, manifestation, or energy work, you will get results.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
The Chakra Clearing Meditation package is really special. I wanted to make it so good that you’d feel silly by not ordering if becoming whole, healed, and irresistibly magnetic to your desires is what you want. What you’ll get in this special offer is the Chakra Clearing Meditation which is the equivalent of an entire energy healing session packed into one audio. You’re also going to get the Chakra Clearing Meditation QuickStart Guide, the Chakra Clearing Meditation video course, the Mind Body Spirit Reprogramming Training, and the Alignment and Manifestation Accelerator training
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while creating the Chakra Clearing Meditation but for the people that want further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.
What is the Chakra Clearing Meditation?
The Chakra Clearing Meditation is the key to clearing your manifestation blocks. The Hawaiian energy work, hypnosis, and visualization makes this a full healing session. So The Chakra Clearing Meditation is your path to manifestation, healing, and inner peace. You’ll awaken and become aligned with your authentic, true self… Reconnect with your intuition… Calm the anxiety, chatter, and overthinking… Effortlessly manifest the divine love, abundance, and health you want… And become irresisibtly magnetic to your desires.  
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
No other meditation in the world has this combination of Hawaiian energy work, hypnosis, and visualization to clear your manifestation blocks. This is reprogramming you at the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical level, so that you become aligned and an energetic match for everything you want to manifest. Most other programs, courses, and techniques only focus on conscious content - they don’t use energy to facilitate rapid transformation. But with The Chakra Clearing Meditation, all you have to do is sit back, close your eyes, and listen to become whole, healed, at peace, and clear your manifestation blocks. It does the work for you.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 90 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. You’ll even be able to keep the meditation and all the bonuses free of charge as my way of saying “thanks” for giving it a try. 
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We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page is any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.